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Remote Sensing Marcella Durand


If eyes receive light, then eyes are always visible. Skin is lined concentrically or scattered across gravel. Short blue wavelengths hit molecules. This predatory space is linear. Invisibility is part of buoyancy. One searches out the other and ingests. So as above, as below, and as below, above. You move slowly through me. Light bounces from one to another, a kind of decoy or attractant. Yellow, orange, red, or shimmering. Iridescence is caused by light fracturing along tissue, and dispersing. Shrimp see eight colors, a lustre metal white, the first work of painters the primed painting seen by an utterly transparent animal. Position vision as far from self as possible. As blue face and scarlet feather locates us or in water. On canvas or over sand. Some blend in, others dazzle. Translucence swiftly rises.


Two lines appear on Landsat image and appear to be similar. Everything that appears similar is not necessarily related to each other. Or if they are related to one another that does not imply they are not necessarily alike. Or if they are alike they may not be related to each other or another. That one may only be similar in Landsat image and one may be a gully and the other a strip of vegetation. Or maybe a gully or ice crystals embedded below the surface features and maybe a landmass. Maybe a crest, summit, or top, with others related but smaller and receding into distance. Or maybe larger but appearing smaller and receding into distance. Maybe the primary erosion and then smaller erosions stemming from the primary erosion. If it appears blue when tinted. When tinted if it appears blue. If blue and related to another image could be misinterpreted and subsequent images discredited and presumed faults and fractures only being that. Although some and sometimes a majority. If it is only a scenario then it must be hypothesized and commented upon in a seven-band review. In seven bands, the colors appear and ripple transparently through which the landscape features can be seen clearly in their form if not necessarily their true hues. While in the rippling seven bands luminous and ephemeral, the landscape features may fracture or appear to fracture in the viewpoint of computer-generated hue. If they appear to fracture slightly or one conjectures oneself fractures or there is a black dot in one eye. If a black dot appears in one eye, then computer generation failed and mathematical precision is suspect. Only the indefinable and uncountable seven bands and non-definable luminosity colors in viewpoint steady. Today we know to be careful and use field investigations. We are especially adept at highlighting false linears.


The false color photograph made of fractures appears to have been taken through three filters in line with blue, green, and methane gas. It could indicate something was untoward when at the time of the pinhole photograph the truck was parked with doors pointing at beach and small aperture allowed slow light. Doors open and sun streams in through seven band review: silver, gelatin, chlorophyll, haze brightness, bright red, lustre, and one great white eye near bottom of disk. Color added to the circumference of the gaseous body contrasts with the dimmer color of the interior. Says retoucher: “passes through a large quantity of fungiform bolted electronic digitalism.” The south polar cap appears black, but in the misty nebulousness of the antarctic spring day, it’s more a worn grey, scratched and dim like an old nickel. A rotating false color view. A Rotating False Color View. And you rub your eyes thinking such shades could never be. They could never appear except as transfused through wire and socket, cord, outlet, oil and coal.


As you locate me I locate you. Red, floating in water, or measuring thickness of methane gas by refraction of false blue. Not a true blue, edging sky, but one applied in thick impasto, layer after layer, grid by grid. As a face emerges in an automated identification program, the last to appear are eyes: as the most visible. It takes opacity to capture light. The tapetum lucidum at the end of the eyes is the most reflective object. We are all after all objects. We object. In translucency it appears dark. At the end of the eye, the retina amplifies light. At the end of vision, another you, me, more phosphorescence, shimmering in a trail we made moving through space.


Some rectangular, others more uneven. Irregular blue patches or lining stream channels. It’s dangerous to photograph this close to a rapidly changing fracture. That is, it shifts as we stand in the middle and observe. Soon one leg will be in one place and the other will be on another landmass altogether. It’s what they are documenting from space. Three satellites follow each other rapidly on a slow, clear night. If only the winter rains had started early. Once again, identify the urban areas from the street patterns. One is bright green and the other is a mild, muted brownish-gray. That is, one is overlaid on the other, or one came first, but which is linear and what spreads out in crumbling starfish shape? Tonight, the light over the chemical plants is exquisite. Long factory shadows spread over the invasive fountain grasses, pale beige heads nod over the shallow waters.